Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Buttercup

5/30/10…A field of yellow buttercups dots the mountain side as I gaze up towards the sky. My life will soon change as I am now engaged to Melody. Clouds of cotton peek above the mountain. Thoughts wonder in random meaning across my mind. Loneliness is a part of me. Some say I am introverted as I enjoy my own company. And yet I also know the aching aloneness when returning from a soul nourishing mountain experience. My soul never feels more alive when sitting in the shade atop a mountain and feeling the invisible wind tingle my skin. My soul never feels more alone when returning from this experience, alone, with no one to come back to. I think this is what God knew about a man when he created a woman. Somehow God knew we needed someone in our life to share this earthly walk. Someone we can relate to. We cannot relate to God. To think otherwise would be the most prideful thought on our part. I love God, but I am unable to comprehend God.

So I thank you God for Melody, my soon to be wife. I look forward to the day when I come off the mountain and her arms are waiting to welcome me back…

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