Monday, November 17, 2014

Slowing Down

1/3/12…Creativity does not seem to glorify God as much in the moment as it does over time. Those who toiled for glory, like the apostle Paul, did not receive the glory of their creations in the moment. When Paul wrote the epistles, surely he never imagined the impact of his words. And not just within the confines of the Roman Empire, but the entire world. The Bible, with Paul’s writing, is the best-selling book of all time. He did not set out writing letters that would touch into the billions across time. Instead of laying in prison and wondering why God placed him there, he hand wrote the Spirit inspired beautiful epistles. Indeed, if God had not slowed Paul down and put him in a place where he had time to do this, maybe the epistles would not have been written.

One never knows how God will use what we create. Indeed, one never knows how God will use us…when He slows us down.