Friday, April 1, 2011

Rubik’s Cube

2/20/09…Distance, it is the measure between two points…my mind can grasp this. Time, it is the interval between two moments; past or present…my mind can grasp this. A woman, her beauty I can see, and her skin I can touch…my mind can grasp this. The birth of my son and the death of my grandfather…my mind can grasp the beginning and the end. But God, I cannot grasp You, who You are. During the day, I stare outside my window into the seemingly never ending blue sky and at night I stare at the black with the pin pricks of stars surrounding me. You created this? How? How does my mind begin to grasp there has never been a beginning with You, what dimension of my mind do I need to patch into. I think about You…and I realize there was never a birth. “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” I read these words, and they are true, and yet I cannot comprehend them…maybe if I just take a small part of this, “nothing was made that was made.” It is like a riddle. It is like a puzzle, like a Rubik’s cube. In my frustrated attempts I never once solved a Rubik’s cube, never once did I enjoy the sheer triumph of seeing all those colors line up in unison on each face of the cube, so how can I ever expect to solve You? I cannot. And yet…

I still find it amazing that with You there is no beginning. No birth. You just are. Distance has no meaning. Time is of no relevance. To see You or touch You escapes me. I am only left with my faith and Your statement in Exodus that is so simple a two year old could utter it, “I AM WHO I AM.”