Sunday, October 24, 2010

A humble prayer to all of God’s daughters…

12/10/08…Father… Your breathed words to those who nourish life, “Do not let your adornment be merely outward ”…oh how as a man I want them to understand the beauty of this passage…they are a mystery to me, awaiting discovery, and a seeking of a treasure that is ever elusive, but so much worth the pursuit… is this not why You created them?... is this not a reflection of You, who You are, a mystery, but worth the pursuit…and You give me, a man, a taste of who You are in a woman… so I pursue, sometimes with reckless abandon, these wonderful treasures...but Father, with time I now see a woman differently…I may see the outside first but as a pursuer of You I quickly look to the inside…yes, I see the adornment on the outside, how can a man not notice the outward beauty of a woman…but I now look at them to see if they have “the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of You ”…whenever I cross paths with a gilded flower such as this, I immediately notice a radiance and joy emanating from them…

I have seen women who look to You as duty or obligation, it is never a pleasant sight to see…I have seen women who are lukewarm toward You, and in turn my heart breaks for them knowing the chains that bind their heart, and instead of a radiating joy, there is only a bath of water, not warm enough to draw others to them…And Father I have seen one, who in flawed pursuit, still passionately pursues You…and it is so refreshing …this is where, dare I say, a woman’s sexiness comes from…the glow covers up whatever perceived flaws she thinks she has, weight, cellulite, even a bad hair day…how can I help them understand the truth in this?...when she is looking to You, it is the purest form of the pouring out of love that there is…Your water nourishes her, and she sprouts from a weed into a brilliant tenebrosa orchid…

And as a man, this is the beauty that draws me to her, and lo I am drawn to be her water…

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