Thursday, May 5, 2011

Prelude: Part 12 of 18

2/21/09…I am still astounded at these odds. In the entire Jackson, Mississippi metro area, including Clinton, Byram, Ridgeland, Madison, Raymond, there are hundreds of thousands of people. Against this backdrop I end up buying a house of which I am now selling because my Lord has shown me to undo my yoke, yet when I prayed to Him about buying this one versus another one, somehow He guided me in my thoughts to buy this one. For months I was despondent because my fire for serving my Lord was put on hold. But I kept searching and seeking Him through His Word and little did I understand that He was first working on changing my heart and direction. I had no idea. And at the perfect moment when He realized I was open for growth, I cross paths with Bob, my neighbor who lives across the street. After my Lord showed me His heart, to feed the hungry, to care for those in need, to help the afflicted souls, He introduced me to Bob, and Bob shared his heart with me as he talked about the street ministry he is involved in to tend to the homeless, poor, down and out, and indigent. My jaw dropped as I realize this is exactly, I mean exactly the avenue my heart was searching for…

And here in an area of hundreds of thousands, I happen to buy the house across the street from a neighbor who is 1 of only about 40 people who is involved in this specialized type of ministry.

Postlude 1/30/11…When I read this entry from almost two years ago, my thoughts roam to words such as faith, relationship, and passion. There are times when it feels undeniable that God is guiding me, and there are times when I wonder. Indeed, what are the odds in what I wrote above?

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