2/1/11…Father, as I read Genesis chapters 1-3, I am struck by one,
how You made everything and two, after making Your creations, how You saw they
were good. There was something You saw as inherently good in creating something
from nothing. As I write these words, I find the same satisfaction. The page is
blank and as I type I am creating something into existence. Yes they are only
words but I thank You for given me the ability to create.
For Your glory I do this, not knowing if all these words I
continue to write will simply return to the dust or if You will use them in a
way I never could have foreseen. Once again I must expect nothing and yet in
Your power expect everything.
Father I also am struck by how soon everything good You created
turned into something it was not intended for. It only took 5 pages. I cringe
at this thought. There are 2,025 pages in my Bible. On page 5, everything comes
crashing to an end. What does this say about Your creations? What does this say
about me?
Father, what were You thinking when this happened? As all knowing,
You already knew on page 5 everything would come crashing down, and yet You
still created us. My mind wonders why. The rest of the Bible is filled with
pain, longing, and strife. Your Word is filled with doom, tales of self-destruction,
and tales of sin leading to emptiness. In Your mercy, time after time You offer
hope, redemption, and peace beyond the earth You placed us on. The totality of
the Bible speaks of the depravity of our nature. And yet at times, there are
glimpses of beauty. I am reminded of a woman in the book of Luke. In her free
will she
…began to wash (Your) feet with
her tears, and wiped them with the hair
of her head; and she kissed (Your) feet and anointed them with the fragrant
Indeed. Maybe, in our free will, there is something beyond page 5.
Something we do not always see in ourselves.